Dr. Jeff Denis and MSU DEN Students Shine Light on Undergraduates’ Experiences with Racism on Campus

In 2024, the McMaster Student Union Diversity + Equity Network (MSU DEN) research team, supervised by associate professor of Sociology, Jeff Denis, surveyed fellow students about their experiences with racism, discrimination, and belongingness on campus. Among the key findings:
- While 16% of students reported direct personal experiences with racism, 37% indicated that they had witnessed racism on campus
- Among racialized groups, Middle Eastern/West Asian students and Black students were the most likely to report experiencing racism or discrimination on campus
- Among religious groups, Jewish and Muslim students were the most likely to report experiencing racism or discrimination on campus
- Most students who had experienced racism on campus said it had significantly impacted their mental health
- Only 1 in 4 students said they were aware of existing resources or services to address racism and discrimination on campus
These findings highlight the ongoing prevalence and impact of racism, the need for more research on this issue, and the importance of promoting an inclusive campus community and ensuring that all students receive adequate support. Read the full report here.
Departmental News